Huron County Historical Society - Newsletters icon newsletter

2013 April

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Huron County Historical Society

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110 North St, PO Box 3
Goderich ON, N7A 3Y5



Executive for 2011-2012

David Armstrong president 519-524-1156
Ralph Laviolette secretary 519-440-6206
Mac Campbell treasurer 519-524-7935
Ralph Laviolette newsletter, notes 519-565-2454
Elaine Snell membership 519-523-9531
Brock Vodden councilor  
Rhea Hamilton-Seeger councilor  


Next Society Meetings.....

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

5:30 p.m. Welcome and meet the speaker

6:00 p.m. Hot roast beef dinner and doings $20 per person at the door. Please call Mac Campbell 519-524-7935 for dinner reservations.

7:00 p.m. Brief business meeting and a presentation by Susan Bennett from the Marine Museum in Port Huron, Michigan speaking about the events planned for this summer commemorating the 1913 Great Storm on the Great Lakes.

Visitors and guests are welcome to any portion of the evening…..


Membership renewal.....

The date shown above your name on the address label is the year to which your membership is paid up. If you are in arrears, consider this a reminder that the membership fees are now $20.

To reserve your member’s copy of Historical Notes, keep your dues up to date. Past copies of the Notes are available at the Museum, $8 per copy.

And, if you are in arrears, mail-in your membership today.

Note our current address for mail and memberships:

HCHS Memberships, Box 3, Goderich ON, N7A 3Y5.


Archives Facilities Project.....

Members will recall that in 2009, the Society undertook a project to make recommendations for a competent storage solution for the many public and private family and other collections in the County.

On August 8th, David Armstrong led a presentation to the Huron County Council on the study and its recommendations to begin a Business Plan for an Archives building to serve the county. The presentation was well received.

Efforts are now underway to begin a Business Case and Plan for space and storage needs.



Website access for Historical Notes.....

Past copies of Historical Notes from 1965 to 2008 are now available to current members on the web. Non-members can access only the index to each issue.

To access the members-only section of the Historical Notes or to perform searches for names & places in the Historical Notes, go to the website:

  • open the dropdown menu for Publications
  • click HCHS Members Login
  • then type user name: user, then the current password
  • The members’ password is a 6-digit number on the address label on this newsletter, top right hand corner.

If you cannot get access using the password, then check if your web browser is up to date.

If the password is lost or not readily available, contact or phone Ralph Laviolette 519-440-6206.


Letters to the editor.....

Always welcome. Send to Ralph Laviolette, the HCHS editor at the address above or email Ralph.


Progress on Historical Notes.....

The 2013 edition of Huron Historical Notes is now being distributed. At the October 2012 general meeting, it was decided to dedicate the edition to a commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Great Storm of November, 1913 on the Great Lakes when scores of sailors and freighters were lost in a week-long blow that produced 30-foot waves and conditions similar to a perfect storm.

Here are some of the photos of items and ships in the edition. Find them in the edition to get their story.

1913 Great Lakes Storm Item


1913 Great Lakes Storm Item


1913 Great Lakes Storm Photo


1913 Great Lakes Storm Photo



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